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Cattle Mats vs. Rubber Horse Mats

By Julia Nass Created: January, 2018 - Modified: September, 2023

Stall flooring is an important factor to consider in planning for the perfect conditions for horses and cattle. It makes a bigger difference in health and safety than many people realize. Although there are many options out there, rubber stall mats are an ideal flooring choice for cattle and equine environments. Below, you will find answers to some frequently asked questions about stall mats for horses and cattle.

What is Rubber Stall Matting Used For?

Horse and Cattle Rubber Matting
In general, horse mats and cow mats are most useful any place the animals spend an extended amount of time in, such as stables and stalls, barn aisles and wash bays. Some stall mats are portable and can be easily packed away and taken to animal shows. A number of users also utilize stall mats for vehicles and trailers to make transporting animals safer and more comfortable.

What Are Stall Mats Made Of?

Rubber is the most common and popular material for horse mats and cow mats, largely because it is remarkably long lasting and durable. It holds up under intense use and extreme weights. Rubber stall mats come in a variety of shapes and sizes - from lightweight, interlocking tiles to large rolls.

5 Top Benefits of Rubber Stall Mats

1. Increased Comfort

Users find stall mats beneficial in a variety of ways. First of all, cow and horse mats provide a comfortable place for animals to lie on. With a supportive yet softer surface to lie on, animals are at less risk for body, joint and limb injuries, including arthritis. For cows in particular, it is extremely important they spend a significant amount of time lying down. If they do not have a comfortable surface, they will not spend as much time lying down, which decreases circulation and can affect their overall productivity.

2. Safety

Stall mats increase comfort and safety while cows and horses are standing and walking as well. Mats provide a significant amount of traction that prevent animals from slipping and falling. At the same time, mats provide an even surface for animals to walk across, so they are at less risk for tripping. Plus, a comfortable surface reduces hoof wear and tear, foot rot and heel warts.

3. Warmth

Further, horse mats and cow mats provide insulation and warmth for animals, especially in the winter time. Unlike other surfaces, rubber stall mats prevent moisture and reduce the chill from the ground to permeate or reach animals.

4. Hygiene

Maintaining hygiene in a barn environment can be difficult, but it is extremely important. Bacteria and disease must be warded off with fine hygiene practices, and using stall mats is a great start. They are easy to clean and disinfect, and some products are even antifungal and antibacterial. Stall mats are easily maintained by sweeping, vacuuming or hosing down. For a deeper clean, one can use a pH neutral cleaner to scrub at stains.

5. Eco-Friendly

Most rubber stall mats are made from recycled rubber. Using recycled rubber products helps cut down on tire waste in landfills, and many rubber stall mats can contribute to LEED building points.

How Do Stall Mats Compare to the Alternatives?

Stall mats are a smart alternative to concrete, asphalt, and other hard flooring surfaces because they are far more comfortable and supportive. Concrete and asphalt will tear up hooves and are not comfortable for animals to lie down on. Unlike stall mats, concrete and asphalt can get slippery and unsafe when moisture is present. Wood also gets very slippery when wet.

While other materials like topsoil, clay and sand may be easier on limbs and joints, they are not nearly as long-lasting or durable as stall mats. Clay, sand and topsoil need to be replaced far more frequently and are overall more high-maintenance than rubber horse and cattle mats.

Cow mats and equine mats can be more expensive than other materials, but the investment pays off. Mats will remain intact and in great shape even years down the line, whereas other materials often require further investment and time to replace materials.

What Are the Costs of these Mats?

At Greatmats, barn mats range in price from $1.64 per square foot to $11 per square foot depending on size, thickness, material and style.

How Do I Choose the Right Cow or Horse Stall Mats?

When searching for a stall mat, make sure to find one that meets all of the above criteria. At Greatmats, doing so is easy. They provide a wide variety of cattle and equine mats that all meet the highest standards of durability, comfort, safety, and hygiene. Plus, Greatmats prioritizes affordability with quality.

Greatmats offers a wide-range of products to meet more specific needs and a friendly customer service team to help you meet yours. If you are on a budget, the Greatmats team can help you find a quality product that will not break the bank. If you need something portable, Greatmats can help you find something lightweight and simple to install and remove. No matter the size or location of your barn, stall, wash bay or vehicle, Greatmats will help you find the perfect fit.