Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF

Marley Dance Floor - Rosco Adagio Vinyl Roll
Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut per LF Creo arts and dance gray adagio.
Rosco Adagio Dance Marley Custom Cut per LF Central Oregon Ballet.
Rosco Adagio Marley Dance Floor Custom Cut per LF Rosco adagio gray.
Rosco Adagio Dance Flooring Black Cut Lengths per LF gray and black rolls.
Rosco Adagio Dance Flooring Black Cut Lengths per LF rolls close up.
Marley Floor - Rosco Adagio Black Cut Lengths per LF rolled out.
Rosco Adagio Marley Dance Cut Lengths per LF roll black vinyl.
Rosco Adagio Dance Floor Black Cut Lengths per LF black and gray.
Dance Floor Rosco Adagio Black Cut Lengths per LF roll black.
Rosco Adagio Marley Floor Cut Lengths per LF Roll.
Adagio Marley Cut Lengths per LF gray install dance studio
Home Dance Adagio Marley Floor Cut Lengths Savanna Manzel black
Star Rating Image (4 Answered Questions) Rate product
$28.49/linear ft
Save 5%
Reg: $30.00/linear ft
Handling Time Estimate: 1-3 Working Days
  • Use for all dance types
  • Use for both hard and soft dance shoes
  • Enjoy an economical, professional quality marley floor
  • See More Details


  • Black
  • Gray

Note: Material Width for this Product is 5.25' wide

Rolls are cut to 15 ft minimum

Roll Calculation

Option 1

side arrows

Option 2

up arrows


Please call 877-822-6622 to backorder this product.

  1. Use for all dance types
  2. Use for both hard and soft dance shoes
  3. Enjoy an economical, professional quality marley floor
  4. Custom lengths available from 10 ft to 90 ft long
  5. Dance securely with perfect slip resistance for professionals
  6. Invest in durable, long-lasting dance flooring
  7. Easy to roll out and install with tape
  8. Choose from versatile black or gray

Tap Dance Floors, Ballet Floors, Modern and Jazz Dance Flooring, Irish and Flamenco

Marley Flooring for a Home or Professional Dance Studio

The Rosco Adagio Marley is our best-selling dance studio floor because of its durability, versatility, and economical cost. This marley floor can be used for many dance styles, including modern, jazz, Irish, ballet, flamenco, lyrical, hip hop, drill team, ballroom, and barefoot dancing.

Thanks to its versatility, the marley floor is an all-in-one solution for your home or professional studio. Its economical price means you can create a quality dance floor to practice on at home in between visits to the studio. This flooring also offers the quality that professionals need to ensure their students have a safe dance floor or stage that will support their performance and prioritize their safety. It pairs with soft shoes and hard shoes, so you don’t have to worry about switching out the flooring in between classes.

Dance at an Optimal Level

These Rosco Adagio flooring rolls are made of a quality vinyl. The surface is non-absorbent, non-reflective, and non-skid. It gives tap and ballet dancers the controlled slip needed to perform at an optimal level, and is ideal for rehearsals and stage performances.
After the first use, you may observe visible markings, but there's no need to worry. This is a normal occurrence and indicates the marley floor is functioning as intended. The scuffs are a natural result of the friction between the shoe and the surface's grip, which is more apparent when the dance floor is new and shiny. With continued use, these scuffs will start to blend into a patina on top, just as they do inside dance studios everywhere.

When installing, this product is not reversible, so make sure that the shiny side of this marley floor goes down. Adagio dance floor needs to be installed in a hard, smooth subfloor. Even low pile carpet is too soft for installation.

Perform a Temporary or Permanent Installation

This marley floor is available in custom cut lengths that are 5.25 feet wide. Cut lengths can be cut to fit the size of your studio. The most common installation method is using vinyl dance floor tape. The seams can also be heat welded for a permanent installation. You can also install the flooring permanently with adhesive.

When you are installing the Rosco Adagio, make sure the shiny side of the vinyl marley floor goes down.

For temporary installations, the flooring can be rolled up and stored as needed. Use vinyl dance floor tape for easy removal.

If installing the marley flooring on concrete, it is best to pair it with a dance subfloor and underlayment.

Storage of Marley Flooring

Rolls of marley dance floor should never be stored in a flat position, as this will cause the rolls to flatten and can cause rippling in the material when unrolled. The dance studio flooring should always be stored in an upright position. Roll the material up tight on a core and tape it closed. Stand it on end for storage.


Tap shoes with aluminum taps leave behind dark oxidation marks on marley vinyl flooring. These marks blend in fairly well on dark-colored flooring such as black, but the marks are more noticeable on the gray flooring. Due to this, Greatmats does not recommend gray color to be used for tap dance.

Shoes with steel taps do not create black markings on marley, but all tap dance shoes will create some markings. A new tap dance shoe will leave the most markings on a gray-colored floor. Jazz dance shoes can also generate similar markings.

Cut lengths may be longer than ordered. It may be necessary to cut the dance floor to fit your space.

Custom-cut lengths are a custom order and cannot be returned. Full rolls of marley that have been unrolled or installed will result in a 20% restocking fee upon returning.


Always use Rosco floor cleaner to maintain warranty.


Cut lengths may ship via ground service or via freight delivery on pallets.

This Product Ships Freight Only.
Please review our shipping disclaimer.

SKU# R300CutAdagio
In Stock Yes
Product Type Roll
Material Type Vinyl
Product Edging Straight
Thickness 1.5 mm
Width 5.25 feet
Length 1.00 feet
SF per Item 5.30
Weight 2.70 lbs
Packaging Shrink Wrapped on Pallets
Non Absorbent Yes
Special Adhesives No
Interlock Loss 0.00 feet
Material Hardness Shore A 92
Interlocking Connections No
Made In France
Surface Finish Smooth flat
Surface Design Solid color
Installation Method Tape down or glue down
UV Treated No
Reversible No
Border Strips Included No
Manufacturer Warranty 5 year limited

Product Questions:

Q: Can I just put this on top of a hard floor for advanced ballet practice (point, turn, and jump)?
A: Hardwood would be fine. Concrete, not so much. There is no shock absorption in the marley. It is very thin.
Q: Can this floor be laid over tile, or does it need a subfloor? My room is 24x28, and I would like it cut to fit with as few seams as possible!
A: It can be laid over tile, but we highly recommend a subfloor to protect bones and joints from the hard tile.
Q: Is the Marley flooring cutable? If I get a 24-foot roll, can I cut it to have two 12-foot lengths? What do I cut it with?
A: Yes, you can cut the Marley with a sharp utility knife. That would work.
Q: Can you heat weld this?
A: This product could be heat-welded. To order the welding thread, please call us.

43 star ratings

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1 star

Customer Rating: 5 Stars - Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF

I want to thank you for the great quality products I purchased and recently installed for our basement dance room! My daughter is really loving the space we have created especially while still doing virtual dance classes. I installed the Sports Plus Designer Foam Tile with 2 rolls 20 foot by 5 foot each of the Rosco Adagio Marley. We couldn’t be happier!

Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF customer review photo 1 Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF customer review photo 2 Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF customer review photo 3

Customer Rating: 5 Stars - Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF

We love the dance floor!

Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF customer review photo 1 Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF customer review photo 2

Customer Rating: 5 Stars - Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF

Turned out great!

Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF customer review photo 1 Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF customer review photo 2 Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF customer review photo 3

Customer Rating: 5 Stars - Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF

I ordered Rosco Adagio Marley and we LOVE IT! We are in the process of getting our second room built with all dance floor products from Greatmats. Great customer service!

Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF customer review photo 1

Customer Rating: 5 Stars - Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut Per LF

Marley is a great addition to my home dance studio. I have the max tile raised floor, but found it to be a bit slippery for dancing. I used it for 2+ years like that, so it wasn't terrible. But I wanted to upgrade the area, so I added the marley. I'm not disappointed. The marley has a great sound, was easy to install and arrived quickly. Though I ordered a specific size, they sent me more marley than ordered, so I did need to cut it to size.

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Marley Dance Floor - Rosco Adagio Vinyl Roll
Rosco Adagio Marley Custom Cut per LF Creo arts and dance gray adagio.
Rosco Adagio Dance Marley Custom Cut per LF Central Oregon Ballet.
Rosco Adagio Marley Dance Floor Custom Cut per LF Rosco adagio gray.
Rosco Adagio Dance Flooring Black Cut Lengths per LF gray and black rolls.
Rosco Adagio Dance Flooring Black Cut Lengths per LF rolls close up.
Marley Floor - Rosco Adagio Black Cut Lengths per LF rolled out.
Rosco Adagio Marley Dance Cut Lengths per LF roll black vinyl.
Rosco Adagio Dance Floor Black Cut Lengths per LF black and gray.
Dance Floor Rosco Adagio Black Cut Lengths per LF roll black.
Rosco Adagio Marley Floor Cut Lengths per LF Roll.
Adagio Marley Cut Lengths per LF gray install dance studio
Home Dance Adagio Marley Floor Cut Lengths Savanna Manzel black