Industrial Floor Runners

Showing 1-24 of 55 Products

Showing 1-24 of 55 Products
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The best industrial and commercial floor runners from Greatmats will deliver protection, comfort, and safety for people working on a factory floor, in an assembly area, or in an industrial setting. Our runners are available in many different materials, configurations, lengths, and thicknesses.

With so many materials and designs available, finding a runner to meet a specific planned use case or a particular budget is an easy process.

Benefits of Flooring Runners

Some floor runners provide anti fatigue properties, giving workers the ability to stand and work for long periods of time without suffering significant pain in the lower body joints. Compared to standing on a cement or hardwood floor, anti fatigue runners are far more comfortable.

Runners may have perforations that run through the entire thickness of the material, allowing spilled liquids and fine solids to fall through to the subfloor and keeping these materials away from the shoes of the workers. Perforated runners work well in a commercial or restaurant kitchen.

A long runner is ideal for placing in a walkway or along an assembly line. Some people will want to use a non slip runner along a pathway for moving, where movers can walk on the runner and avoid the possibility of tripping or slipping while carrying heavy items.

In a garage, workers can make use of a long runner between repair bays, creating a safe place for customers to walk as they discuss potential repairs to their cars.

Some runners will protect carpet or other types of flooring in busy walkways, keeping grime and other soils away from the floor.

Most floor runners will be washable, meaning customers can clean them as needed. Usually, this involves a mop or a gentle power washer.

Vinyl Runners

Vinyl is a popular material for floor runners, as it has quite a bit of durability and versatility. Manufacturers can make vinyl runners in extremely thin configurations, which is better for reducing any tripping hazard over the lip of a thick runner mat.

When using clear vinyl in a runner, it allows the flooring underneath to be visible while also protecting it. This is common when using a vinyl runner over carpeting in a busy walkway or in an area where office workers will be rolling a chair over the carpet.

Vinyl is available as a static-dissipative runner, which is ideal in areas with sensitive electronics. Additionally, vinyl runners often have raised areas that provide a bit of extra traction for those walking on them.

PVC Plastic Runners

PVC plastic is another popular material available for a runner that goes over existing flooring. It has a nice mixture of firmness for stability and of a slight cushioning to keep employees who are standing on the mat feeling more comfortable throughout the workday.

Another advantage of PVC plastic is that it does not soak up liquids. It naturally resists the growth of bacteria and other dangerous materials, making it safe to use in almost any location.

PVC plastic runners are flexible and lightweight, so it is easy to move the runner into place for an event. Afterward, pick up the runner and place it in storage.

Carpet Runners

Carpet runners often appear at the entrance to a building, giving people walking into the building the ability to scrape moisture and solids off their shoes.

Using a carpet runner mat at the entrance keeps the flooring throughout the building cleaner and helps reduce a slip hazard on a wet floor near the entry door.

A carpet runner will often use a rubber backing material to hold the runner in place as people walk across the surface. The rubber backing naturally grips many types of subflooring materials, including vinyl tile, stone tile, or concrete.

Rubber Runners

A rubber runner mat is a common choice for use in a kitchen or another area where spills are common.

A solid rubber mat gives people standing on and walking across it a surface that will maintain traction, even when the rubber is wet from spills.

Many rubber mats contain perforations that allow moisture to drain through to the subfloor, meaning workers do not have to stand in puddles from spills.

Rubber is one of the most durable materials used in flooring and in runners, meaning those who purchase a rubber runner will have a long-lasting value. Rubber offers some anti fatigue properties along with its slip-resistant properties.

Foam Runners

A foam runner will provide the highest level of cushioning compared to the other materials used in runners. The type of foam in use with runners for flooring will deliver a nice firmness that supports people standing on it. It will also last a long time, providing good value.

Some manufacturers mix foam with PVC plastic to create a little more durability and firmness than foam alone.

Common Materials in Non Slip Floor Runners

  • PVC plastic
  • Carpet
  • Vinyl
  • Foam
  • Rubber