Flooring Over Carpet

Installation over the carpet can vary in results. Best results are obtained when installed over low pile carpet.
Showing 1-12 of 12 Products

Showing 1-12 of 12 Products

Installation over the carpet can vary in results. Best results are obtained when installed over low pile carpet.

Options for Flooring Over Carpet

When laying flooring over carpet, it is important to use a firm style. Without firmness in the layer going atop the carpeting, the flooring could sink too far into the carpeting, creating uneven layouts, raised seams, and a potential tripping hazard.

Greatmats offers multiple models to create temporary floor layouts that work for athletic workouts or other activities that simply don’t work as well when doing them on carpeting alone.

Types of Flooring That Can Be Laid Over Carpet

At Greatmats, we have four types of temporary flooring over carpet that will give you outstanding performance.

  • Solid PVC Tiles: PVC plastic is a common material to find in interlocking tiles designed for home gym flooring over carpet and for other uses. PVC plastic can stand up to people jumping on it, and it can support the weight of exercise equipment.
  • Vinyl Over Plastic Base: For a material that is even firmer, consider polypropylene plastic tiles with a vinyl top layer to create your flooring over carpet. These are hard tiles that work nicely for basketball-style workouts.
  • Pre-Sized Kits: When seeking to create a dance practice area using a kit, we offer vinyl tiles that have a plastic base layer for rigidity that is different from what laminate alone over the carpet will deliver. The vinyl can resemble hardwood, creating an eye-catching look.

About Flooring Over Carpet

When selecting flooring that can be laid over carpet, pay attention to some key features.

Interlocking Design

When creating a stable floor over your carpet, installers frequently make use of an interlocking tile format. The interlock edging on the tiles makes the flooring easy to install.

Just assemble the floating floor for the planned activity. Then, easily disassemble the tiles and place them in storage to return to the carpeting area after the activity.

Size and Shape

The best size for most square tiles is 1x1 foot, as this size is easy to handle and move back and forth from storage to the room where the installation will take place.

We also offer dance floor kits that will go over the top of carpeting. After assembly, these multi-piece kits can end up with a coverage size of between 3x3 and 6x6 feet, providing plenty of space for individual dance practices.

If you're looking for a gym flooring option for use over carpet, you may want to consider one of our StayLock products that feature either an orange peel or bump top texture.


As mentioned earlier, a firm material is important for creating flooring that will go over the top of carpeting. We offer our tiles in multiple types of materials that deliver the firmness required for a successful installation.
  • PVC tiles
  • Polypropylene plastic tiles with a vinyl top layer


Installation of our tiles to create workout flooring over carpet is an easy process. The tiles feature interlocking edges that enable them to pop together with only a little bit of force on the part of the installer. Do not add glue to the interlocking edges or to the back of this hard floor covering for carpet.

Connecting the tiles together over carpet can be made easier by using plywood underneath as you are connecting the tiles together.

Then, after the workout session is complete, disassemble the tiles. They will pop apart just as easily as they went together. The interlock design of these tiles means they work nicely as a temporary hard floor over carpet.

Where to Use Temporary Flooring Over Carpet

Frequently, homeowners will use these tiles to create a space for a workout in a room where carpeting is already in place. It can be difficult to gain the most from a workout on a carpeted floor, as your feet may sink into the carpet.

Our firm flooring over carpet tiles gives athletes and dancers the sure footing they need to make controlled and sudden movements.

Some installers will use these interlocking tiles to quickly lay out a segment of flooring of a certain size, depending on the type of workout planned. Then, after the workout comes to an end, the installer can disassemble the tiles and place them in storage, revealing the carpeting again.

Install these tiles anywhere carpeted flooring exists to gain a new use case for the room, including:
  • Bedroom
  • Basement
  • Child’s playroom
  • Family room
  • Media room
  • Workout room

Because they’re made for repeated assembly and disassembly, they’re a renter-friendly product that you can take with you when you move.

Over Carpet Flooring Q&A

Can you install home marley dance floor over carpet?

Yes, you can install a home marley dance floor over carpet, but you will need to install a subfloor first. At Greatmats, we offer interlocking polypropylene tiles and vinyl tiles with a firm plastic base to go over the carpet.

What’s the best temporary flooring over carpet?

The best temporary flooring over carpet depends on the planned use case. At Greatmats, we offer firm portable tiles for dancing, PVC tiles for workouts, and modular flooring with load testing of up to 10,000 pounds per square foot.

What’s the best gym flooring over carpet for home workouts and exercise?

The best home gym flooring for workouts over carpet is PVC modular tiles. They are flexible, yet firm enough to provide a sturdy base over carpeting. They’re easy to install for the workout, and you then can disassemble them and put them in storage afterward.

What kind of flooring can you put over carpet?

The best types of tiles to put over carpet include multiple kinds of interlocking floor tiles to go over the carpet, like carpet on a plastic base, vinyl on a plastic base, and PVC plastic.

What’s the best vinyl flooring for over carpet?

The best vinyl flooring to use over carpet is a vinyl tile with a firm plastic base, as it interlocks for ease of installation. As long as you use low-pile carpet, these tiles should provide a sturdy base layer that won’t slide around.