Jay From Turner Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - Folding Mats In Garage Dojo
Date Published: 02-09 - 2023
Related Product: Gym Mats 2 Inch x 4x10 Ft. V4 18 oz
Jay from Turner Brazilian Jiu Jitsu shares his experience with Greatmats folding gym mats in his garage for BJJ training.
He has the professional puzzle mats in his Dojo, but is using the foldout mats at home for training. Jay has had these mats for 4 years and they have been durable, tough and do not have any soft spots. He says when they do develop any soft spots, he will get more fold out mats from Greatmats.
Product: Gym Mats 2 Inch x 4x10 Ft. V4 18 oz
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