Home / Gym Flooring Buyers Guide / Easy To Attach Rubber and Turf Gym Tiles - 1 inch thick UltraTiles

Easy To Attach Rubber and Turf Gym Tiles - 1 inch thick UltraTiles

Date Published: 10-08 - 2022

If you're looking to combine gym turf and rubber gym flooring, you'll want to check out our selection of UltraTile gym flooring. The RageTurf Ultra Tile features a rubber base and turf top, while the standard UltraTile products are 100% rubber and are available in numerous color options, ranging from all black to to a blend of color flecks that virtually eliminate the visibility of the black core.
Each of these products are one inch thick and can be attached to each other using a Quad Blok Connector.
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Gym Flooring Buyers Guide