4x6 Rubber Mats

Showing 1-18 of 18 Products
Showing 1-18 of 18 Products

Showing 1-18 of 18 Products

Options for 4x6 Rubber Mats

At Greatmats, we are eager to help you select a nearly perfect flooring option for home and commercial gyms and weightlifting facilities. Our 4x6 rubber mats have anti-fatigue properties, protect the body during tough workouts, deliver anti-slip properties to protect a horse and a handler, and offer great value with maximum durability.

Styles of 4 x 6 Rubber Floor Mats

Select among 4 ft x 6 ft rubber mat products in two styles.
  • Straight edge: Mats with straight edges are useful individually, or you can lay them tightly side by side for larger layouts.
  • Interlocking: Big industrial mats that have puzzle-style edges connect securely for a full-sized layout.

4 Ft. x 6 Ft. Thick Rubber Stall Mat Vs. Buying a Kit

When purchasing our 4 x 6 rubber mats, you have a couple of options in how you order them.
  • Individual: If you only need one or two mats, purchasing them individually is an option, although some models require you to purchase a minimum number to limit shipping costs.
  • As a kit: When you must cover a certain area, such as 10x10 or 10x20 feet in a horse stall, our customer service team can help you find a kit consisting of the exact number of interlocking mats you need.

Features and Benefits of 6x4 Rubber Matting

No matter what kind of features and benefits you need, our 6x4 rubber mat products will deliver. From products for horses to weightlifters, we have mats with a quality you can trust.
  • Durability
  • Waterproof or water-resistant
  • Long warranty periods
  • Shock absorption
  • Noise absorption
  • Anti fatigue capabilities
  • Anti slip capabilities
  • Textured surface options
  • Eco-friendly recycled materials
  • Good value per square foot of coverage

Where and How to Use Large Stall Mats

Versatility is the main benefit of our big rubber gym mats. Here are many of the uses for these mats (including a few that our creative customers introduced to us).
  • Weight room flooring: Rubber helps with weightlifting by protecting the subfloor, cutting down on noise from banging weights, and delivering traction.
  • Commercial gym flooring: Commercial gyms can receive sturdy and long-lasting flooring with our thick ribber mats.
  • Horse stalls: When you need to cover a specific space in a horse stall, such as a 12x12 stall, trust our kits for the perfect fit, such as our Cobblestone Horse Stall Mat Kit.
  • Horse trailers: Use rubber to create a safe and water-resistant area for horses as they stand and ride in a horse trailer.
  • Horse wash bays: To avoid having slippery areas in a horse wash bay, look for perforated rubber utility mats or mats with a design made for drainage, like our Wash Bay Ribbed Rubber Mats, available in a kit.
  • Garages: As long as you will not drive on them, use 4x6 rubber mats in your garage to create a gym workout area or a weightlifting area, while protecting the subfloor and delivering thermal protection from cold concrete.

4 ft. x 6 ft. Rubber Mats Q&A

How much do 4x6 rubber mats cost?

Typically, the cost for 4x6 rubber mats starts at about $2 per square foot. Thicker mats may cost $2.50 or more per square foot. For mats with interlocking edges, expect to pay $3 or more per square foot.

What are the best 4x6 rubber gym flooring mats?

Finding the best 4 x 6 rubber gym flooring mats for your needs requires thinking about your particular requirements. Whether you need a smooth surface, surface texture, extra thickness, interlocking edges, or straight edges, count on Greatmats. Trust our customer service team to deliver the perfect solution for you.

Are 4’x6’ rubber mats and horse stall mats the same?

Many textured mats work for either gyms or horse stalls. Our 3/4-inch rubber mats can withstand large amounts of weight from livestock or heavy barbells. They are easy to clean, whether you’re talking about manure and hay or sweat and dust. (Hopefully, you’re only finding the latter two items in your home gym, but if not, the mats are still easy to clean!)

Can you use 4x6 rubber floor mats for a large gym flooring installation?

Rubber mats work great for a large facility installation, thanks to the impressive value they provide per square foot of coverage. Additionally, because they last a long time, you can wait many years before you have to do another installation, saving even more money. A testimonial from the FIT Cedar Valley fitness club can show you the benefits of using these mats.