XFit Flooring & Mats

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Rely on Xfit flooring from Greatmats to excel when needing to support a wide range of tough fitness workouts. An Xfit gym frequently will host many different levels of athletes and workout options, meaning the gym flooring has to deliver incredible results for everyone.

We offer Xfit flooring that consists of rubber, which has the durability to give a good value to a commercial gym that hosts a fitness class in the morning, a training class in the afternoon, and an Xfit class at night. The versatility of rubber flooring is tough to duplicate.

Types of Workouts for Xfit Flooring

Because Xfit exercise workouts involve numerous disciplines, the rubber gym flooring has to deliver versatility. You will encounter workout styles in Xfit that attempt to match the movements that you might make as part of your regular day, including:
  • HITT (high-intensity interval training)
  • High impact exercises
  • Weightlifting
  • Powerlifting
  • Gymnastics
  • Jumping
  • Cardio and endurance

The versatility of rubber tiles, rubber floor mats, or a rubber roll allows for all of these types of exercises in a single facility. Rubber has a little bit of cushioning to protect the lower body joints of the athletes during these strenuous workouts. Rubber simply is the best selection for Xfit flooring.

Home Xfit Workouts With Rubber Floors

As a homeowner, you also can make use of rubber to create your workout space. This type of flooring isn’t limited to commercial locations. You can create a home gym with rubber Xfit flooring in a garage, basement, or spare room.

Rubber is a useful material for protecting the subflooring from damage. If you are using heavy weights as part of your Xfit routine, for example, the rubber flooring product protects your subfloor from any dropped weights. Rubber flooring cuts down on noise from crashing weights, too.

Multiple Design Options for Xfit Rubber Floors

Although black is the most common color for rubber floors, you do have a few options for yielding a design that goes beyond basic black.

Our UltraTile Rubber Weight Floor Tiles offer black mixed with blue, red, or gray for a unique look.

As another design choice, when you need extra traction in the rubber floor, select a rubber mat surface texture that includes a pebble top or grooves. Rubber is naturally grippy, but these surface designs further enhance the traction.