Floor Cleaners

Showing 1-12 of 12 Products
Showing 1-12 of 12 Products

Showing 1-12 of 12 Products

To make the most of your investment in flooring from Greatmats, you need to perform occasional cleaning and maintenance tasks. Using the proper floor cleaner for the materials in the floor can go a long way toward ensuring the best performance from your flooring investment.

We offer a number of floor cleaner products designed to clean several types of floors in a safe manner. Whether you have rolls of flooring, large mats, or interlocking tiles, you can count on our cleaners to deliver the best results in the industry.

Size and Shape Options

Whether you are a commercial or residential customer, one of our floor cleaner products will meet your needs. The majority of our cleaners ship in large bottles, ensuring that professional cleaning services have the volumes they need.

We offer both 1 gallon and 1 liter bottles of floor cleaner. (A gallon equals 3.79 liters.) Our 1 gallon bottles all have a handle near the top, making them easier to control when pouring.

All the bottles have a screw-on lid, so you can cap the bottle and save any remaining cleaning fluid until the next time you need it.

Material and Safe Handling Options

These liquid cleaning agents have some hazardous ingredients in them. Anyone using the products should use care to protect children and pets from ingesting them.

You should read the safe handling recommendations for each floor cleaner product individually. However, as a general rule, these cleaning products can affect humans after an exposure as follows.
  • Inhalation: Breathing in the fumes from the cleaner may cause irritation of the respiratory tract. It could cause nausea or headaches as well.
  • Eye: Contact with the eye may cause slight to significant irritation. In some cases, the cleaner may damage the cornea.
  • Skin: Contact with the skin may lead to irritation, depending on the length of the contact period. During significant contact, the skin may absorb the cleaner.
  • Ingestion: Directly ingesting the cleaning fluid may cause digestive tract irritation, chemical burns in the mouth and throat, or nausea. If ingestion occurs, you should contact a doctor immediately.

Rinse any contact with the skin or eye as quickly as possible.

Pattern and Texture Options

Our floor cleaner always remains in a liquid form. The majority of our cleaning products have a boiling point and freezing point equal to that of ordinary water.

We do offer an eco-friendly type of cleaner that has a low-foam formulation, which may be beneficial in certain cleaning situations.

Many of our cleaners have a slight yellow or green color tint, but they do not leave behind any colored residue.

Common Use Options

Our floor cleaners offer quite a bit of versatility in the types of floors they will clean. Customers can use these cleaners in places such as:
  • Industrial setting
  • Retail setting
  • School
  • Dance studio
  • Gym
  • Weightlifting area
  • Fitness center
  • Residential floor
  • Recreational facility

The majority of our cleaning products will work for both vinyl and rubber flooring. Some of them work for any type of flooring.

When seeking to clean marley flooring at a dance studio, only use a cleaner made specifically to work with marley floors. Some of our cleaners even work to strip marley floors.

These cleaners should not leave behind a noticeable residue. They also should not cause discoloration on the majority of flooring layouts. However, before using the cleaner, test it in a spot on the floor that is not noticeable, just in case of an issue.

Usage Options

When performing general, daily cleaning, dilute the cleaner with warm water, as specified in the directions for the cleaning product. Apply the diluted cleaner with a mop.

For specific cleaning tasks, such as removing stains or tap shoe oxidation marks, use the cleaner at full strength or with only a slight dilution. Apply the cleaner directly on the spot with a rag or a gentle scrub brush.

When attempting to remove grime on the floor, such as remaining residue from floor tape, use undiluted cleaner only over the top of the mark. Again, use a rag or a gentle scrub brush.

You should be able to allow the flooring cleaner to dry on its own, and it should not leave any residue behind. When using the cleaner at a concentrated level, though, you may want to rinse the floor after use, rather than allowing it to air dry over a few hours.

Always read the directions for the particular cleaning product that you select to be certain it will work with the type of flooring layout you have. If the directions differ from these instructions, always follow the directions on the bottle of cleaner.

Storage Requirements

Store the cleaner in a temperature controlled location out of direct sunlight. Make sure the storage area remains dry and has adequate ventilation.

After using the cleaner, replace the cap on the bottle tightly before storing it. After each use, rinse any cleaning tools thoroughly. Wash your hands with soap and water and rinse any areas of the skin that came in contact with the cleaning solution.