Home / Greatmats Training Series Videos / Horse Obstacles - Steps with Jesse Krier - Greatmats Horse Training Series

Horse Obstacles - Steps with Jesse Krier - Greatmats Horse Training Series

Date Published: 01-03 - 2022

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Once you’ve gotten your horse comfortable with stepping over logs, it’s time to give steps a try.

Now we’ll ask her to go up these steps. We’ve done the smaller step. I think we quit last time with this step on her.

This is a big step for them. Let her look at the situation. Then request, little bit of a stumble, but she does it.

We’ll go right back down and ask for that same one again maybe and then we’ll increase it to the larger one.

Get ahold of her a little bit and keep her in between our reins.

A horse that’s wanting out of something, they’re going to try and veer side to side. We want to keep them between our reins.

That was better. A little more energy helped her out.
She’s got to learn where to place her feet too. We’re not just on even ground all of the time.

A lot of uneven ground out here, really helps her figure out where her feet have got to go.

She’s got to survey the situation. She’s never been on this. Look at it. She’s looking for a way out too but we’re not going to let her. Any negative step is reprimanded. Any positive step is reinforced - reinforced with a reward or a release of pressure.

#HorseObstacles #HorseTraining

Greatmats Training Series Videos