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How to Clean Garage Floor Tiles - Snap Together Plastic Tiles - Greatmats

Date Published: 01-18 - 2018

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Cleaning polypropylene modular garage floor tiles is a simple process.
All you’ll need is hot water, common household floor cleaner and a damp mop.
Sweep the floor flirst.
Mop the floor using these three steps
Changing out soapy water solution frequently will yield the cleanest floor.
Be sure to mop up all residue to prevent a cloudy appearance.
For stubborn areas, scrub with an oil and grease remover solution and a sponge.
Allow to air dry.
Avoid applying excessive amounts of water of soapy water solution to the floor as it may its way between the tiles. With a raised base, small amounts of water that may get through the seams will have enough airflow to dry on their own.

Garage Flooring Buyers Guide