How To Clean Vinyl Garage Flooring Rolls
Related Product: G-Floor Diamond Tread Garage Floor Roll 75 mil x 7.6x17 Ft.
How to Clean Vinyl Garage Flooring Rolls

Before you clean your vinyl garage flooring rolls, it’s essential to review the cleaning and maintenance instructions that are specific to your flooring. The manufacturer will provide detailed instructions outlining the cleaning process, including which products to use and to avoid.
We’ve included some general cleaning instructions below to help familiarize you with the process. While these instructions work for many vinyl products and will work specifically for G-Floor Garage Floor Rolls, remember to defer to the manufacturer’s instructions before cleaning your flooring.
How to Clean Everyday Spills and Dirt
It’s easy to clean everyday spills and dirt from your vinyl flooring. Start by brushing or sweeping the flooring with cool water and a broom or sponge. If debris is loose, you can also use a vacuum. If brushing the flooring with water doesn’t remove a spill, you can use mild soap or other household detergent suitable for vinyl floors.If your flooring is permanently installed, then you can wash it while it’s still in your garage. If you’ve dry laid your flooring, it can be helpful to take it outside, where you can liberally use a hose and then let it dry. Make sure that the underside of the flooring is completely dry before you reinstall it.
It’s also important to quickly clean up any oil, chemicals, or other fluids that drip or leak onto the flooring. Some products can make the flooring slick and unsafe, and cleaning them up promptly can also prevent potential damage to your flooring.
How to Deep Clean Garage Flooring
You can use a household vinyl cleaner or a non-slip vinyl protector for stubborn stains and debris. After you clean the stain, applying a coat of floor polish designed for vinyl floors can create a high-luster finish.Vinyl garage flooring is usually highly durable and stain-resistant, but certain substances can still stain your garage flooring. For example, harsh chemicals, rubber tires, dyes, and inks may create permanent stains. You may be able to remove non-permanent stains using a spray-on brake and tool cleaner, though the cleaner may discolor your flooring.
How to Preserve Your Garage Vinyl Flooring
Regular cleaning plays a vital role in preserving your vinyl garage flooring. Start by reviewing the manufacturer’s instructions for the care and maintenance of your floor. Promptly clean up any spills to prevent stains and potential damage to the floor. Try to keep harsh chemicals from making contact with the floor.Make a point of cleaning your garage floor frequently, making minor stains and loose debris easier to remove, which will help keep the flooring looking its best. Additionally, keep a supply of the manufacturer-recommended cleaning supplies available so you’re ready to clean the flooring promptly if it becomes stained.
Considerations When Choosing Garage Flooring Rolls

Roll-out garage flooring offers many benefits. It helps protect your subfloor and enhances the look of your garage. A quality flooring roll can also maximize your comfort and safety when you’re working in your garage.
But to get the best value from your investment in rolled flooring, you must choose a vinyl flooring product designed to withstand the harsh garage environment.
Oils, gasoline, salts, battery acid, brake fluid, and other caustics commonly used in garages can damage flooring that isn’t designed to withstand them. UV rays can degrade the color and integrity of flooring that isn’t UV-treated. And if you choose a product that isn’t designed to withstand extreme temperatures or the weight of vehicles, it could be damaged and need to be replaced.
At Greatmats, we have several flooring products suitable for use in garages, including the G-Floor Diamond Tread Garage Floor Rolls. This vinyl rolled flooring is a versatile choice for your garage, as it’s highly durable and resistant to caustics. The flooring is waterproof and lightweight, so it’s easy to install. To customize your garage's look and functionality, you can easily install the rolls in different patterns, including a wall-to-wall or a single parking pad installation.