Artificial Landscaping Turf

Showing 25-37 of 37 Products

Showing 25-37 of 37 Products
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Artificial landscaping turf is a great way to create a realistic looking lawn at home without the hassle of maintaining natural grass. Artificial grass remains green all year around, giving you a beautiful backyard without having to water, fertilize, and mow.

Many forms of artificial landscaping turf from Greatmats are easy to install as part of a residential DIY project, meaning you can save money versus having to hire a professional installer.

What Are Some Benefits of Artificial Landscaping Turf for Homeowners?

Beyond cutting down on the amount of maintenance you have to do versus real grass, artificial turf offers residential customers a number of other benefits.
  • Pet friendly: This is one of the best materials to use around dogs and other pets, as they can’t dig it up or discolor it with urine like happens with natural grass. Our synthetic turf resists stains, too.
  • Playgrounds: If children wear spots and ruts in the grass under a swing set or at the end of a slide, making use of artificial landscaping turf puts an end to this problem.
  • Sports: If you or the kids want to be able to play sports in the backyard, even after heavy rains, our turf keeps the field playable immediately. It works for baseball, softball, soccer, football, golf, and more.
  • Gathering space: When you have a patio or rooftop deck with worn concrete, covering it with a green artificial turf provides a fresh look that everyone can enjoy in comfort.

Finding the Right Synthetic Turf for Your Needs

At Greatmats, we offer several different types of outdoor landscape turf, helping you find the perfect roll for your needs. We offer thickness levels ranging from 1-1/4 inches to 1-3/4 inches.

There are slight variations in the shades of green available with each brand of turf, as some people like a brighter green, while others want a deeper green color.

To create a more realistic look, some rolls have more than one color in the individual yarns that make up the blades of synthetic grass. A natural lawn often will have slightly different greens throughout the yard, too, as well as some brown or tan thatch.