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BJJ Technique: How to Perform a Mount Escape with Comprido

By Rodrigo ''Comprido'' Medeiros

Created: Aug, 2017 - Modified: Aug, 2021

7-time World BJJ Champion (2-Time Absolute World Champion) Rodrigo ''Comprido'' Medeiros and Greatmats present a 12-part BJJ training series. This video shows how to execute a mount escape.

''Hi. I'm Rodrigo Medeiros. That's Marcelo 'Cazuza' (Kropotkin) and we are here for the Greatmats series. We'll show you now mount escape.

We're going to start in this position. When I opponent mounts me, I'm going to try to close my elbows and stop him from coming very high. Okay.

Stretch my leg as close to his foot as a can. I cannot go over, but I come very close to his foot. The opposite leg, I position on the floor, preparing for a bridge. Then my hand comes to his heel. And now I'm going to do a little bridge and lift his foot. Slide my leg inside as deep as I can, and I step over and close a half guard. No push his hip and knee and I keep escaping. Keep moving my hip outside, and close my guard. That's an escape.''

See all 12 parts of the Greatmats BJJ Training Series with Rodrigo ''Comprido'' Medeiros.

Rodrigo Medeiros and Marcelo Cazusa Greatmats
Rodrigo Comprido Medeiros
Comprido BJJ
Bloomingdale IL