Home / Playground Flooring Buyers Guide / New Rubber Playground Flooring at Precious Playmates Daycare Ministry

New Rubber Playground Flooring at Precious Playmates Daycare Ministry

Date Published: 06-04 - 2024

Precious Playmates Daycare Ministry in Martinsville, Indiana, installed Greatmats' Sterling Rubber Playground Tiles in two playground areas.

They received a grant to upgrade the playground, and the facility faced the challenge of finding the right rubber playground flooring for the renovation. “With a large enough grant to facilitate big changes, we started researching the best playground cover for our facility and the ages we serve - and we landed on compressed rubber ground cover,” explains Asher. “Once we determined that was our greatest fit, we began researching the best prices and quality, and internet research led us to [Greatmats].”

The entire playground makeover took about eight months from the removal of the old pea gravel until the ministry was able to open the new playground. “That includes winter months when work was not able to be done, the work needing to be completed for the water displacement, and the installation of new playground equipment and fencing,” Asher says.

While the tiles create a soft and cushioned area that’s safe for kids, they offer many other benefits, too. “We love the safety of the playground and the versatility of the material,” notes Asher. “We are able to ride bikes and have rolling toys as well as play games with bouncing balls. We can use sidewalk chalk and bubbles, and the maintenance is very low.”

Read More: https://www.greatmats.com/precious-playmates-daycare-rubber-playground-tiles-testimonial.php

Shop Sterling Rubber Playground Tiles: https://www.greatmats.com/playground-flooring/sterling-playground-tiles-225-blu-gry-brn.php

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Playground Flooring Buyers Guide