Home / Rubber Flooring Buyers Guide / How Hot Does Outdoor Gym Flooring Get - UltraTile Premium Color Rubber Gym Flooring Test

How Hot Does Outdoor Gym Flooring Get - UltraTile Premium Color Rubber Gym Flooring Test

Date Published: 11-01 - 2022

If you're installing an outdoor gym, one thing to consider is the type of flooring you'll need and how that will be affected by different weather conditions.
Take for instance direct sunlight. This can quickly heat up most surfaces, including rubber gym floor tiles. But just how much?
To determine this, we tested the popular 1 inch thick rubber UltraTile products in different premium colors. The test was conducted on an 83 degree day in Milltown, Wisconsin. The tiles were left in the direct sun for just over 4 hours and then a surface temperature was recorded using an infrared thermometer.
As you might expect, the darker the color, the more the temperature increased. Here's what we found.
The temperature of the Dark Gray UltraTiles increased by 53 degrees.
blue tiles increased by 45 degrees. The Mocha and Steel colored tiles both heated up by 41 degrees.
Shop UltraTile Rubber Weight Floor Premium colors now: https://www.greatmats.com/products/weight-strength-tiles-premium.php

Rubber Flooring Buyers Guide