Cheerleading Giveaway Entry - Loy Norrix High School
My name is Britney Schiedel, and I am the Head Coach for Loy Norrix Middle School Sideline and Competitive Cheer. In June 2015, we embarked on a journey to begin a brand new cheer program at Kalamazoo Public Schools within two of the middle schools. Being that the schools never had cheer offered before, we ended up practicing on a tennis court all summer/fall (June-October). We were not able to use the school, as the gym was being remodeled. During competitive season (Nov-March for Michigan), we used a combination of a large classroom and the cafeteria. We also were provided with the opportunity to practice most Fridays before competitions at the high school to use their mats, thanks to their coach and athletic director.
Needless to say, we made use of our space, worked hard towards our established goals, and dedicated our time to being successful regardless of our practice space and circumstances. We ended up getting four first place wins in our division this past season!
Our program would utilize the prize by purchasing a Greatmats Poly Flexible Roll. As I am fully aware, we would realistically be able to get only one roll. However, one roll could benefit our program and athletic department in an abundance of ways. For the cheer program - with one roll, we would be able to put 4 to 5 stunt groups on during practice times. We would also then have the ability to practice our tumbling passes and skills during practice safely.
Our 4 ft by 6 ft gym mats now only hook-and-loop together, and with them being almost 20 years old, they slip and slide across the floor and come apart. If we had just one Poly Flexible Roll, we would have the opportunity to advance our cheerleaders overall skills for future seasons.
For the athletic department - I am sure that this would provide them with an additional opportunity to provide funding to our cheer program at the middle school level. Although we have received tons of support from our schools, parents, principals, athletic departments, the community and the high school cheer coaches- we just do not have the funds to purchase even one roll of mat without the help of this giveaway!

Britney Schiedel
Loy Norrix High School
Kalamazoo MI 49001