Mallory Bice - 2017 Cheerleading Coach of the Year Nominee
Related Product: Gym Mats 2 Inch x 4x10 Ft. V4 18 oz

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The reason why I am nominating my coach is because she works hard. She will joke around with us and everything, but, when it's time to get on task, and people don't do that, she will start giving tabes. She is amazing.
She works well with everyone. If she tells us something late, she will for sure make sure she says sorry for giving a late notice.
She has made a difference on my life by teaching us kindness to everyone and how to stand out in a good way. Her effort to the cheer is amazing. I love her attitude when she comes to practice. I am so happy to have her as my cheer coach.
On our halftime performances that we have if it's a big game, she makes sure we don't look stupid. We had a principal from the other school tell us we did great. When one of her cheerleaders are down, and she can tell, she will talk to you and cheer you up. She is amazing. She doesn't show favoritism among the girls.
She loves all of us the same.
Learn more about Greatmats National Cheerleading Coach of the Year Award or 3rd Annual National Award Series.
Mallory Bice
Southside Charter High School
Batesville AR 72501