Adrenaline Dance of York - York, Pennsylvania
Related Product: Rosco Adagio Marley Full Roll 5.25 Ft. x 101 Ft.
We started Adrenaline Dance of York 4 years ago. The area where we live has a median family income of $50,000 a year. There were quite of few kids who could not afford to dance at the Dance Academy in the area and since my daughter was a dancer, my husband and I started dance classes out of a room that we rented at a local gym. A year and a half later, we had grown and needed a larger space with 2 rooms. We found a building and moved the studio to where we are now. Financing it ourselves out of our own income, we had to one by one purchase the items we needed. The space needed remodeling and that took first precedent. We could only afford one good floor, so we laid a hard wood in one of our studio rooms. To get us up and running, we bought some cheap vinyl flooring that was discontinued from a local floor place and have been dancing on that since.
Attached please find photos of the front of the studio, both studio rooms complete with the stretched out vinyl and holes covered with duct tape.
We have had to wait to replace that vinyl floor because we have yet to turn a profit and we keep our prices low so that people can afford to send their children to classes. It has now gotten to the point where we have to replace that floor as it is stretched out and has a few holes in it. We will be ordering floors as soon as possible, but a cash prize from you would definitely help.
Learn more about Greatmats $1000 Giveaway: Dance Studio Edition.

Kimberly Linthicum, President/CEO
Adrenaline Dance of York
York PA 17402