Ashlie Wells - 2017 Dance Instructor of the Year Nominee
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I started my oldest daughter in dance classes a week after Miss Ashlie opened - at the age of 3. I now have an 8, 6, and almost 3 year old that take dance from her, and they love their Miss ''Ashee''!
I've have seen this studio and this dance owner grow in more ways in the last 5 years than I can count.
Even though Center Stage has quadrupled in size since first opening and added numerous new classes, Ashlie still manages to teach 90% of all the available classes. Her costumes are always affordable and class rates always seem to stay down.
Miss Ashlie always has a smile on her face when you walk through the door. The children and their happiness are the most important thing to her. She is always worried about everyone else's happiness instead of her own. Dealing with parents or tuition/costume money still being owed is enough to stress anyone out, but you would never know it from Miss Ashlie and CSDC. They make it look good!
I would like to nominate Miss Ashlie as teacher of the year for the simplest reason that she just deserves it.
Learn more about the 3rd Annual National Dance Instructor of the Year Award and Greatmats National Award Series.
Ashlie Wells
Center Stage Dance Company
Winchester TN 37398