Tracey's Dance Academy - Drums PA
Related Product: Rosco Adagio Marley Full Roll 5.25 Ft. x 101 Ft.

We do not have a whole lot of equipment for the girls to use as far as mats, flooring etc. We moved to a new location last December and, while we were switching locations ,my father was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a deadly form of brain cancer.
Since he was residing with my husband and I, we had to put all of our efforts into him and into making sure he has proper treatments and the proper organic foods, etc. We kind of put getting any other equipment for the studio on hold due to not really having the funds to do it.
When we moved we had to put up walls and floors and paint, and it took pretty much everything we had saved. Then this happened, and we haven't been able to buy much else.
He is still living with us and fighting the fight, which is a very full time job!
We do have one set of roll mats, but we really need more for our other room, or any other type of spring floor etc. We have two cheer squads and lots of tumblers who would love anything new!!!
We have to put all of the girls in one room, which is very crowded and tough for the kids. We only have those and two small trampolines, which are now broken, and a very very old wedge mat. :/ We could use ANYTHING new for the kids!! The students and I thank you for your consideration!!
Learn more about Greatmats $1000 Giveaway: Dance Studio Edition.
Tracey Smith, Owner
Tracey's Academy of Dance
Drums PA 18222