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Wash Stall Mats for Horses Video with Kelly (Murphy-Alley) Curry

By Greatmats Staff Created: March, 2019 - Modified: June, 2024

Kelly (Murphy-Alley) Curry of Striking KMA Performance Horses/K Bar C Ranch in Wilmore, Kentucky got equine wash stall mats from Greatmats because she uses her wash stall numerous times every day.

She loves these horse wash mats for her horses because the horses don't slip on them. The rubber horse mats drain the water properly and are durable enough to keep horses with tendencies for pawing from wearing holes in the mats.

Greatmats offers horse wash stall mats in several different sizes, including custom-sized kits, as well as individual mats.
Kelly (Murphy-Alley) Curry
Striking KMA Performance Horses
Wilmore KY
Equine wash stall mats with Kelly Murphy-Alley