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Special Event Flooring Key Features

By Julia Nass Created: January, 2018 - Modified: April, 2024

No matter how well-put together a tent-event is, it's not complete without the proper flooring. Whether it's an outdoor trade show or a wedding, the perfect event floor will contribute to the aesthetic of the entire affair and the comfort and safety of guests.

There are many factors to consider in order to choose high-performing event flooring, but the most important ones are listed below.

1. Portability

Choose tent flooring that is easy to transport and carry. This is especially important for users hosting more than one event. Portable products are ones that are lightweight, compact enough to carry with one or two people and easy to take up and put down. They can be used time and time again without hassle or frustration.

Ease of installation is another key factor in portability. Greatmats' event flooring products require no adhesives or special tools for installation. In fact, it typically does not take more than one person to put together an outdoor event floor. Different products require differing installation techniques, but most snap together with intuitive connecting systems. When a floor needs to be removed, it can be easily disconnected and packed away.

For example: Smaller, modular tiles like Greatmats' Portable Outdoor Floor Tiles make it easy to bring event flooring on the move. This is an outdoor event floor that is designed with a unique interlocking hinge system. With the hinge system, tiles can be either completely disassembled by disconnecting tiles, or they can be rolled up and transferred together in one piece. Portable Floor Tiles measure 2 x .5 feet and weigh only 1.2 pounds, which makes them super easy to carry for just one person.

2. Water resistance

Water resistance in an event floor is key. Obviously, this is an important quality for events held in weather-prone areas where precipitation is a possibility. However, the floor must also be able to hold up against all sorts of spills. Plus, a water resistant, non-absorbent floor is much easier to clean and dry. If moisture is present, floors must be able to provide traction so guests are not slipping and falling.

StayLock Perforated Tiles are especially wonderful for water-prone environments. These tiles allow water or liquids to drain straight through the tiles, which prevents moisture buildup. Tiles are anti-fungal, so they hold up great in tough weather and varying temperatures. Even when the surface of these tiles are wet, they provide amazing traction and prevent slippage. Plus they add in a bit more cushion than most outdoor floors.

4. Durability

With any purchase, you want the most bang for your buck. One way of achieving this is by choosing products guaranteed for longevity. A floor's length of life goes hand in hand with durability. A tent floor must be able to support heavy foot traffic, furniture and other equipment without becoming damaged. Event flooring must also be able to withstand the elements.

In general, customers find Greatmats' event floor products to be an incredible investment because of how long they last. Users are also typically impressed with how the special event floors hold up to intense use and throughout a variety of weather - from heat and sun to rain. Most of Greatmats' tent flooring options come with a warranty to back up the durability claim.

5. Style

Aesthetics are important at any event, and flooring can either take away from or contribute to the overall attractiveness of a gathering. Nowadays, there is no reason to sacrifice style for durability, comfort or quality. Most of Greatmats' highest quality floors are also stylish and eye-pleasing. That way, there is no need to choose between quality and style - it is more than possible to have both.

Take Max Tile Raised Floor Tile as an example. These special event tiles are finished with a vinyl laminate surface that comes in a variety of styles, from wood to slate. The tiles uphold all other components of a great tent flooring - they are easy to install, portable, durable and comfortable. To top it all off, they look amazing. Go for a classic wood-floor aesthetic or a unique, sleek slate look. Either way, these show tiles will blow guests away.

Jeanne from Minnesota wrote the following about Max Tiles: ''We purchased Max Tile Modular Floor tiles for use under our 20 x 40 and 10 x 10 tents at the 2014 ConExpo and were very pleased with the ease of installation and overall appearance. A quick damp mopping everyday, and we were ready for a busy day of booth activity. Great product!''

6. Comfort

Many tent events require guests or workers to stand for long periods of time. Even if people are not standing for long, comfort in an event floor is still of the utmost importance. Choose anti-fatigue, ergonomic event flooring to support people's comfort levels.

Ergo Matta CushionTred Solid makes an excellent, ergonomic outdoor event floor. Tiles are made of a flexible PVC plastic that is both soft and supportive. Users can stand for hours at time without feeling the aches and pains that come from hard surfaces. Plus, Ergo Matta CushionTred tent flooring features a diamond shield tread that prevents falls and slips. Just be aware they are not UV treated.

Now you know what to be looking for in a well-rounded outdoor event floor. If you need more help finding the perfect product, do not hesitate to be in touch with Greatmats' customer service. The team will not give up until you are completely satisfied with your tent flooring product.