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Landscaping Protection Mats for Grass Yards and Concrete Sidewalks

By Paige Cerulli Created: August, 2017 - Modified: April, 2021

If you’ve ever tried to navigate a wet, soft yard with even a light pickup truck, you’ve probably seen the damage that heavy vehicles can do to turf. It’s impossible to navigate soft turf without tearing up the surface or worse, sinking down into it and possibly getting a machine stuck, and the mess left afterward can require long-term cleanup and repair.

But some construction projects require that heavy machinery be able to traverse lawns, sidewalks, and other surfaces, even when the conditions aren’t ideal. Using landscape mats can help to protect the ground while also making it easier to operate the machines.

How Ground Protection Mats Help

Ground protection mats create a temporary roadway or working platform, protecting the ground beneath them. Popular mats are made of a rugged ½-inch-thick recycled polyethylene for superior strength and durability. They leave behind smooth turf, even when a machine on its own would have sunken into the ground.

The mats are available in both black and clear options, with the clear mats allowing UV light to penetrate to support grass growth. They can be assembled in just minutes. When the job is done, simply pull up the mats and hose them off, then store them away until they’re needed again.

When you order your skid steer ground protection mats, you’ll have the choice of multiple design options. A bold diamond cleat design is available, and it can help to maximize vehicle traction even in muddy or wet conditions. These double-sided mats are available with that diamond texture on both sides or on one side. You can also opt for mats that are smooth on both sides.

When to Use Ground Protection Mats

Consider using a yard mat anytime heavy equipment needs to access a lawn, sidewalk, sod, or other softer surface. Ground protection mats can be paired with skid steers, compact track loaders, mini track loaders, and more. With the ability to support up to 120-ton loads, these mats are highly versatile and can be used repeatedly for project after project. They’re also easy enough to install and remove so that you can use them when you have to make a single trip across a yard or softer surface, pulling them up again once you’re done.

Why Invest in Landscaping Protection Mats?

Landscaping protection mats are an investment that will pay for themselves again and again. As a homeowner, you might want to purchase these mats if you’ll be doing significant work around your home. You might also want to have these mats available if you hire a professional contractor and want to ensure that their equipment doesn’t damage their yard.

These mats are an excellent investment for any contractors or construction business owners. If you arrive at a home or business with these mats available, you’re sure to impress the client and may generate referral or repeat business. You’ll save on the money you would have spent repairing the property after your work was done, and you’ll be dealing with a happy customer, rather than answering inquiries about how you’ll repair the damage that you’re causing.

These mats also make your work easier. When you’re not churning up the yard into mud, you can focus on the task at hand, rather than worrying about the weather, drainage, erosion to the yard, and your vehicles getting stuck. You might even incorporate these mats into your marketing as a selling point, helping you to win bids over your competitors.

Will a skid steer tear up a lawn?

Skid steers and other heavy equipment can easily tear up a lawn, even with careful operation. The weight of the equipment can cause it to sink down into lawns, leaving behind divots, torn up turf, and even mud. Sharp turns make it even worse. Skid steer mats can help to prevent this from happening, allowing equipment to navigate across your lawn without significant damage.

What other types of equipment would need landscaping protection mats?

Any heavy equipment that needs access to your yard will benefit from ground protection mats. Machinery like a Bobcat, tractor, dump truck, excavator, and even a smaller pickup truck can potentially damage your lawn. Investing in ground protection mats that are strong enough to support the heaviest equipment to be used can help to protect your lawn.

What are ground protection mats?

Ground protection mats are sometimes called yard mats or landscaping mats. They’re large, rigid, rugged plastic or fiberglass mats that act as a roadway or or path, keeping machinery from ever coming into direct contact with the ground. These mats help to protect the ground, like a lawn, from damage, while also making it easier to navigate the area with heavy machinery.

Will turf protection mats restrict grass growth?

While black turf protection mats can inhibit grass growth, clear mats allow UV rays to penetrate, so grass can continue to grow. It’s always best to only leave the mats in place as long as they’re needed, and to then remove them promptly to allow grass to grow freely.