Bill Brown - 2017 Horse Trainer of the Year Nominee
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I'm choosing to nominate Bill Brown because he is the perfect example of how a trainer and horseman should be in the horse industry.
Bill takes integrity very seriously in everything he does, and always makes sure that the needs of his clients and their horses are met to their standards and beyond.
His training is quality because he doesn't take shortcuts to get anywhere, he modifies how he trains to meet the needs of the horse and its owner so that at the end of the day everyone learns something and accomplishes something in a positive manner.
Bill opened up his facility to house a load of rescue horses and two rescue cats, and found homes for all of them, as an act of service to his community and to the horses who were all in need of a second chance.
He works 24/7, 365 days a year, to better the lives of the horses he encounters, and better the lives of those who own the horses.
Bill has taught many a horse how to be a model citizen, and many a rider how to be a better horseman, including myself, and for that we are all extremely grateful.
Learn more about Greatmats National Horse Trainer of the Year Award or 3rd Annual National Award Series.
Bill Brown
Chase Lake Equine Center
Fowlerville MI 48836