Bryanna Larson - 2017 Horse Trainer of the Year Nominee
Related Product: Horse Stall Mats Straight Edge Cobblestone 3/4 Inch x 4x6 Ft.
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Bryanna Larson of Pony Tale Refuge and Rehab in Colfax, Wisconsin, has a huge heart. She works with horses that have been neglected, abandoned or abused - and even wild, unbroken horses and prepares them for rehoming. She helps these horses learn to trust humans and learn manners. She helps get them get healthy again, mentally, physically and emotionally.
Pony Tale Refuge and Rehab has even teamed up with a humane society out of Kentucky to take in orphaned foals. And in some cases, Larson and the team at Pony Tales end up caring for some horses indefinitely as they may be dealing with unique issues that make the either very difficult to rehome or inadvisable to do so.
Learn more about Greatmats National Horse Trainer of the Year Award or 3rd Annual National Award Series.

Bryanna Larson
Pony Tales Refuge and Rehab
Colfax WI 54730