How Do You Move Rubber Horse Stall Mats?
Related Product: Horse Stall Mats Kit Cobblestone 3/4 Inch x 10x12 Ft.
How to Move Horse Stall Mats

Before you try to move rubber stall mats, enlist some help. These mats are large, awkward, and heavy; getting a second person to help you can make moving stall mats easier and may help prevent you from getting hurt.
Wear Gloves

If you’re moving used stall mats, get a pair of well-fitting work gloves. I’ve found that gloves with a rubberized lining give you extra grip, and they have the added bonus of protecting your hands and preventing the horse urine smell from transferring to your skin.
Increase Your Grip

No matter which way you decide to carry, drag, or move stall mats, you’ll benefit from increasing your grip. Trying to grip and pull mats with your hands will quickly take a toll on your hand strength, so create handles.
You can use vice grips or C clamps to create handholds on the mats. Alternatively, you can purchase EZ Grip Mat Movers, which are available at many farm stores. The EZ Grip Mat Movers have a great feel to them, and if you often move stall mats, they’re worth the investment.
Fold and Drag

If you’re not going far, such as if you’re pulling mats so you can redo the stall base, it might be simplest to just fold the mats over the long way and pull them out. You and your helper can each hold one edge of the mat by the fold and can carry it out of the stall.
Sometimes you might just have to move mats yourself, and you can do this with them folded if necessary. Get a long rope and place it across the middle of the mat’s length. Then, fold the mat over so the rope sticks out at each end. Pick up the ends of the rope, hold them together, and drag the mat. The rope allows you to keep both hands together, rather than holding the ends of the mat, so it’s easier to move when you’re on your own.
Roll Up the Mat

You can also roll the mat up, making it easier to move. Starting at one of the mat’s short ends, roll the mat up as tightly as possible. Then, tie it closed using two ropes, ratchet straps, or other materials that you have handy. Once the mat is secure, you can roll it pretty easily down a barn aisle or throughout your gym.
Use a Leaf Blower

This is my favorite stall mat moving hack, and it’s changed the way that I move mats in my barn. You’ll need a leaf blower handy, and it’s easiest to do this hack if you have a second person available to help you.
Standing at one of the mat’s short ends, have your assistant lift the edge of the mat a few inches off the ground. Then, turn your leaf blower to a higher setting and direct the air beneath the mat. The air creates a sort of cushion that lifts the mat off of the ground, and you can just direct it down your barn aisle. This technique takes a little practice, but you can learn to essentially steer the mat based on where you’re directing the air.
Since the leaf blower churns up so much dust, this technique is best done only in a solid surface barn aisle that’s already cleaned. Make sure that horses are outside and won’t be back in the barn for a few hours, which will give the dust time to settle.
Choose Portable Mats

If you know you’re going to need to move the mats often, consider ordering portable horse stall mats, which are lighter and designed to be frequently transported. These mats are ideal for going to competitions, clinics, and other events, and they take the hassle out of dragging around heavy mats. However, these mats aren’t designed for permanent use, so be sure to purchase rubber stall mats for use in your horse’s barn.