How To Fix A Muddy Horse Paddock With Mud Control Grids
Related Product: GeoGrid Cellular Paving System 4 cm x 1.6x1.6 Ft.
Why Muddy Paddocks Occur
Before fixing a muddy paddock, it’s important to understand why the mud occurs in the first place.Most paddocks are muddiest in the high-traffic areas, like areas around gates and feeding locations. These areas see the most wear and tear from horses, which can compact the soil and tear up the turf.
The result is drainage problems that lead to mud. If these areas are at low-lying points that receive water runoff from surrounding areas, the issue will be even worse.
Solutions for Muddy Paddocks
Effectively dealing with muddy paddocks requires that you address the elements that are contributing to the mud. For some locations, this might require a multi-step approach.Installing French drains or reworking your landscaping can help to collect water runoff and direct it away from your paddock. This reduces the amount of water that the ground in your paddocks needs to be able to absorb.
Some barn owners try to dump gravel or wood chips into the muddiest areas to build them up again. This is often only effective for the short-term, as the materials generally work their way down into the mud and fail to help reduce the issue.
A better solution is to stabilize the ground, itself. You can accomplish this using mud control grids for horses that keep you and your horses up above the mud, so you don’t sink or slip.
Mud Control Grids for Horses
At Greatmats, we stock two options that can help you to fix your muddy horse paddock.GeoGrid Cellular Paving System

The grid is made of 100% recycled or virgin HDPE plastic, so it’s incredibly strong. It can withstand up to 35 tons per square foot, meaning not only can horses and humans walk across the panels, but you can also drive your tractor or vehicle across them as needed.
The grids feature a cellular design that allows for expansion and contraction. These Geo cells are designed to be used year-round and will withstand winter weather.
When you install the grids, you can easily connect them together, thanks to their interlocking design. Then, you’ll need to fill them with a material like pea stone or gravel. You can even seed it with grass when your done if you so desire.
Once installed, the grids help to stabilize the ground, letting water drain through while also providing a firm base for you to walk on. They can help to prevent mud from being a problem, and may help to prevent paddock erosion from runoff water.
You aren’t limited to just using this system in your paddocks. You can put it in your barn entryways, low-lying areas around your farm, around wash racks, gravel driveway and anywhere else where mud is an issue.
Wash Rack Classic Interlocking Mat

These mats are made of a rugged rubber that’s waterproof and suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Each tile measures 3x3 feet, so you can quickly cover a larger area in your paddock.
Consider laying these tiles around hay feeders, water troughs, and in front of your paddock run-ins. The mats add stability and help to keep your horses out of the mud, while the perforations let water run through for adequate drainage.
As an added advantage, these mats can offer additional traction to your horse in the winter. By connecting the mats together, you can make a large surface that keeps your horses up off of the icier areas.
These mats are a cheap temporary solution to your mud problem, but if you’re looking for something that will last long-term and truly help to prevent mud, then our GeoGrid Cellular Paving System is a better choice.
Investing in Your Horse’s Health
Mud can lead to all sorts of health issues like scratches and hoof abscesses. It can also increase the chance of your horse sustaining a tendon or ligament strain or tear.Muddy paddocks are difficult to work in and can limit your access to be able to maintain the pasture and repair fencing. All of these factors contribute to your horse’s health.
While fixing muddy paddocks does take a financial investment, it can potentially save you money on vet bills, rehab treatments, and more. You’ll also have the peace of mind knowing that you’re providing your horse with the safest, healthiest, mud-free environment.
If you have questions about how any of our products work, or about whether mud control grids for horses are right for your paddock, contact our Greatmats customer service team. We’re happy to help you find the best solution for your needs.