How to Get the Smell Out of Rubber Horse Stall Mats
Related Product: Horse Stall Mats Kit Cobblestone 3/4 Inch x 10x12 Ft.
Do Horse Stall Mats Smell?
Yes, rubber mats, especially those made with vulcanized recycled rubber, can have a very strong smell when they’re brand new. Stall mats can carry a significant odor since they give off volatile organic compounds or VOCs. The VOCs are trapped in the rubber while the mats are stacked, but once you start moving the mats around and exposing them to the air, the VOC release will gradually slow down, and the odor will dissipate.Does the Smell From Horse Stall Mats Go Away?
With time, the smell of horse stall mats will gradually fade. This will occur faster if the mats are in a well-ventilated area, like a barn. Eventually, you won’t notice an odor and the mats will just become another part of your barn.How Long Do Horse Mats Smell?
Horse stall mats will smell the strongest when they’re first installed, but that smell will be reduced over the first few days. Within a few weeks, you likely won’t be able to smell the mats anymore when used in a barn setting. If you’re using the mats indoors, such as for a home gym, the smell could linger for months.Can You Use Rubber Stall Mats Indoors?
Yes, you can absolutely use rubber stall mats indoors. The mats are thick and heavy, so they stay in place well, and they can offer excellent subfloor protection from dropped weights or gym equipment.However, you should be prepared for a strong rubber odor when you first install the mats. This odor can last for a while, so you may not want to install the mats in a room you’ll need to use immediately. Plan to provide plenty of ventilation and follow these steps to get rid of the odor.
How To Get the Smell Out of Horse Stall Mats

If you’re using stall mats indoors, then you’ll need to know how to get rid of the smell. Even if you plan to use the mats in a horse barn or stable, the smell can be quite strong, especially if you install many mats at the same time. These tips on how to remove the smell can help.
1. Clean Rubber Horse Stall Mats
Before you install the mats, clean them outdoors. Remove each mat individually and mop it with a neutral pH cleaner, like Simple Green. For the best results, you’ll need to clean both sides of the mat.
Don’t keep the mats stacked, which can trap odors. Remove each mat and place it outdoors, in a space like a driveway. Once one side of the mat is washed and dried, flip it over and wash and dry the other side.
2. Sun the Horse Stall Mats
While you have the mats outside, consider sunning them, which can speed up the process of the rubber-releasing VOCs, helping to eliminate the smell sooner.
To sun the mats, lay them in a sunny location. Expose them to direct sunlight as much as possible, and consider moving the mats during the day to keep them in the direct sunlight path.
When you sun the mats, position them so that they have ventilation beneath them. You can prop them against a fence or even prop them up with jump poles beneath them so they’re elevated. You will need to flip the mats occasionally so that both sides receive plenty of sun exposure.
Chances are you’ll need to sun the mats for at least a few days before the rubber smell dissipates. You can check the mats by smelling them. If there’s still a powerful rubber odor, the mats will need more time. Be patient - the more you sun and clean the mats, the less of an odor you’ll have to deal with when you install them.
3. Maximize Ventilation
When you install the mats in livestock or horse stalls, maximize ventilation in your barn. Open up your stall windows and barn doors to keep air moving through the barn, which will help to get rid of the rubber smell.
If you’re installing the mats indoors, set up fans to direct the air out of an open window or door. This setup can help cut down on the rubber smell.
Getting the smell out of rubber horse stall mats is a gradual process, so order your mats ahead of time so that you have plenty of time to let them air out before installing them.