Dingmann Wins National Point Fighting Titles in Wisconsin Dells
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''I don't have very many years left,'' he said. ''I want to beat and be the best fighter in the world before I hang it up. I would love to win a Diamond Ring at the Diamond Nationals and I would love to win the grand championship at the Irish Open.''
With more than 26 years of training under his belt in Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing, Extreme Martial Arts and Point Fighting, Dingmann still competes at least once per month, putting special emphasis on point fighting.
Representing National Karate & Kickboxing of Bartlett, Illinois, Dingmann recently competed at the Greatmats-sponsored 2018 Infinity National Championships in Wisconsin Dells, WI and walked away with an Open Weight Point Fighting Championship as well as a Men's Point Fighting Grand Championship. He was also a member off the second place Team Fighting squad.
''There are so many great things about the Infinity National Championships,'' Dingmann Said. ''Mike Welch does everything the right way. It's a martial arts tournament run by a martial arts competitor. He has a great pulse on what we need and prefer.''
Dingmann and his brother, Adam, got their start in the martial arts in 1992 when the were determined to become the Karate Kid. Since then his passion has continued to grow, but he's not taking the traditional route.
''I have training partners - not instructors,'' Dingmann says. ''Someone does not have to outrank me to put me in check.''

Alex Dingmann
National Karate and Kickboxing
Bartlett IL 60103