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Elite Striking Arts Pro Mat Tatami with Tammy Jo Turcotte

By Greatmats Staff

Created: Jun, 2017 - Modified: Oct, 2023

Tammy Jo Turcotte, third degree black belt in Kyuki-Do, tests and speaks about Greatmats Elite Striking Arts Pro Mat Tatami 1x2 meter 1.5 inch thick mats.

''It's solid without being really hard. There's enough spring that you can bounce on it, get a little bit of air of you need to, but it's not so hard that it hurts your feet. I would be my forms on here. I would be doing any striking patterns, kicking drills...

Hapkido would be easy to do on this one. It's a lot of hand techniques. You can still move on the floor without tripping on your feet - without getting stuck and not slipping and falling.''
Tammy Jo Turcotte
Kyuki-Do Martial Arts of Amery
Amery WI 54001