Kaeden Foxx - Focusing on Can Do
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I started going to speech therapy at 3 years old and even had to start school early because I wasn't speaking like the other kids my age.
Many times, kids would tease me at school for not being able to say certain things right and grown ups would often just stare at me because they couldn't understand what I was saying. To this day, I still deal with this issue.
At 5 years old, I started training Karate and 2 years later I started BJJ. Because it was hard for me to use my words, most of the time, I just wouldn't speak in class at all. But, the great thing about martial arts was that I didn't have to speak, and I could use my actions instead. So, I focused less on what I couldn't do, like my speech, and dedicated myself to what I could do, which was martial arts.
Over the years in my training of martial arts, I have earned a blue belt with 2 red stripes in Karate, and a gray belt with 3 stripes in BJJ. I have competed in several tournaments and won many trophies and medals because of my hard work and dedication to the sport. It is actually pretty funny now that many of my Sensei's and Professors have said to me (and to my parents) how much more confident I am and are always shocked when they hear me talk since I usually never speak. I know that this change in me has come from the confidence that training martial arts has given me. It has also given me the ability to feel strong and powerful within myself, even despite my disability with my speech.
The friends and family I have gained from doing martial arts has been invaluable. I have more friends and than ever before, and everyone at my gym makes me feel like I can be myself without judgment. This is how martial arts has changed my life and inspired me to overcome my challenges. Thank you for listening.
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Kaeden Foxx
Capitao Jiu Jitsu and Martial Arts
Fort Walton Beach FL 32548