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Roll Out Karate Mats at MojuKai Karate - Enterprise, AL - Testimonial

By Brett Hart Created: January, 2018 - Modified: November, 2022

Renshi Lennis Darby has always had a fascination with combat. The 49-year-old 5th degree black belt in Karate began studying martial arts at the age of 14 while a high school friend introduced him and several others to Karate.

''Our 'workouts' at that time consisted mostly of him using us as living kicking bags or targets,'' Darby said of their backyard training. ''We trained hard, and it was nothing unusual for the sessions to end with one of us getting knocked out. ... It didn't take long for the other boys to tire of getting bruised and beaten, but there was something about it that was magnetic to me. I couldn't get enough.''

Four years later, Darby earned his first black belt, and by 1990 he had opened his first dojo. In 1995, Darby opened MojuKai Karate - Kobudo, a dojo he still runs today.

When MojuKai Karate-Kubodo, the only traditional Okinawan/Japanese school in Coffee County Alabama, was building its new dojo, Darby know he needed to upgrade from his old 1.5-inch puzzle mats which had caused several turned and sprained ankles.

So he checked out and found just what he was looking for in 1.25-inch thick roll out mats.

''The design of the mats we have was the best that we found,'' Darby said after his Greatmats purchase. ''Being able to customize the size was a big factor (in choosing the roll out mats). They are much easier to clean than the rubber puzzle mats. They stay in place, and there is little risk of turning an ankle because of the mat design. ... We've been on them over a year and have not had an incident yet.''

While his passion for Karate began in an aggressive fashion, Darby says, ''I truly believe that the greatest benefit from karate can be establishing a good set of morals. When parents tell me that they can see a difference in their child's behavior, that is most meaningful to me. I have won many tournaments and championships, but having a positive impact on young people is what motivates me.''

Now with proper matting, Darby is able to make that positive impact on morals and behavior without sacrificing the physical health of his students.

Renshi Lennis Darby
MojuKai Karate-Kobudo
Enterprise AL