Shannon Olberding - 2017 Personal Trainer of the Year Nominee
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Have you ever been to a fitness class where the instructor just tells you what to do? Shannon Olberding of Corkledings Fitness, LLC in Atkinson, Nebraska is not that instructor.
She is in it to win it right alongside us during every class. ''Keep Going! Push through! Focus! Breathe! Almost there! You've got this!''
Shannon is encouraging, motivating, and won't let you take the easy route. She seeks to find the potential in every client and pushes them to reach their personal goals and beyond. Not only are her classes challenging, but she makes them fun - switching up each class so they aren't repetitive and exciting enough to keep us coming back for more week after week (or day after day!). She has a class for everyone and every ability from yoga to kickboxing to HIIT to spinning, Shannon does it all!
Time to put our money where our mouth is... Keep reading for client testimonials!
''When I approached Shannon two years ago about my need to get fit, I was coming to her after having 2 major hip surgeries, which precluded me from being able to do many kinds of exercises. I needed to lose weight and build muscle, but due to my painful rehabilitation, I didn't really know how to start, and I was afraid of hurting myself. Shannon took on my challenges and built a 3 day a week program for me, personally being there to push me, help me hold myself accountable, and encourage me. She knows when I need to have exercises modified and is able to do it on the fly, but she also knows me well enough to know that I don't like to fail and encourages me to push through when she knows I can. I have learned what I am capable of with her help, and she encourages me and all her clients to be empowered by taking care of their bodies... in doing so, they are taking care of their emotional and mental well being at the same time. She's the best, and our small community is extremely fortunate to have her here. She is incredible!'' - Anonymous Client
''Two years ago, Shannon started helping me with personal training. I had just been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that had been slowly tearing my body apart for three years prior. My doctors told me I'd never be 100% again. In fact, the best I could hope for was, at best, 60% of what I used to be. I had unbelievable body fatigue; there were times that I couldn't even lift my arms to wash my own hair. I had gone from being an extremely active person to having days where I was lucky to get out of bed. I tried every medicine and alternative option I could and nothing helped. What I asked from Shannon was help getting some strength back to help me fight the fatigue and ultimately the depression this diagnosis eventually brings. Through the last three years, Shannon has been unbelievably patient and understanding through every up and down. She has helped push me past setbacks and encouraged me every step of the way. Now, two years later, I'm stronger, healthier, and COMPLETELY PAIN FREE! I have 100% of my energy back and am slowly getting my body and self back. This is all thanks to Shannon and her training. She has done so much more than just train me; Shannon has helped me get my life back!'' - Anonymous Client
''Shannon is so deserving of recognition. People may have a lot of the same things to say, but my journey has been a little different. I have been through a couple surgeries which come with restrictions given by my doctors. Shannon has been more than willing to help with those restrictions. If there's an activity I'm not to do, I just tell her I need an alternate exercise and she immediately has one for me. It's been four years since my shoulder surgery, and I have to remind myself of my restrictions, as I even forget I have had surgery. I am strong because of Shannon's help and that is a testimony to her.'' - Anonymous Client
''Shannon has been such a motivator for me. She sends sweet, unexpected little somethings, keeps class fun, high-energy, and uplifting. She makes me WANT to go to class, and I don't feel like I'm not good enough at it to be there. She is great at encouraging us during classes and always asking what she can do to improve class or make it more convenient for her clients.'' - Anonymous Client
If you know anything about Atkinson, Nebraska, you know that our blood runs deep in the farming and ranching lifestyle. The townspeople are kind, down-to-earth, and wave to each other on the street. We are interested in peoples' well-being and ideas on how to continue to grow our community to build and better it for tomorrow and our children's future.
Not only is Shannon a personal trainer and fitness instructor, but she is an active community member. Shannon is on the Community Foundation Board and is continuously helping to raise funds for projects throughout our neighborhoods, town, and county. She is involved wherever and whenever she can be. Shannon is big into helping the Town of Atkinson stay alive and beautiful. She strives to help each community member and client to see their full potential even when they cannot see it for themselves. Shannon is truly deserving of this award!
Learn more about Greatmats National Personal Trainer of the Year Award and Greatmats National Award Series.
Shannon Olberding
Corkledings Fitness, LLC
Atkinson NE 68713