4x6 Rubber Gym Mats - Fitness Integrity Testimonial
Related Product: Horse Stall Mats Straight Edge Cobblestone 3/4 Inch x 4x6 Ft.
One of those adjustments was to a new style of flooring. Longtime users of horse stall mats they had picked up at a local horse feed store in California, Troy and Angie were looking to do the same in their Wisconsin facility but were unable to find the same mats locally.
Luckily they were able to find a plant through Greatmats.com that produced rubber gym mats in Wisconsin and decided to give it a try since they were looking to work quickly.
''We called up (Greatmats) and got the order within a few days and were very pleased,'' Angie said.
The product they chose as an alternative to the old stall mats was 4x6 ft. x 3/4 inch Horse Stall Mats Straight Edge Cobblestone with a black pebble surface texture.

''We knew we wanted 4 x 6 so we could move them if need be and rearrange them, and the 3/4-inch thickness is to provide extra cushion for our clients' joints,'' Angie added.
By switching to these mats, the Warwicks also found a few pleasant surprises.
''The horse mats we used to get were not squared, so it is nice to have clean edges on these mats,'' Angie said. ''They stay tight together, and we are happy with them.''
With ease of cleaning also being important in their line of work, Angie says, ''We love the mats, they clean well. ... We have the unique perspective of using actual horse stall mats in a gym and now the fitness mats you provide and these are definitely worth the extra cost.''
Note: Known for creating a family atmosphere with personal attention, Fitness Integrity's trainers work with up to five clients at a time, but gives each client their own personalized program.
''It's a hybrid of group training and one-on-one,'' Angie says.
Both she and Troy began their personal training careers in the Bay Area in 2009 and opened their first Fitness Integrity facility in 2013.
Angie Warwick
Fitness Integrity
DePere WI 54115