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Weightlifting Drop Pads - Noise Reduction Test

By Greatmats Staff Created: April, 2019 - Modified: April, 2023

Dale Collison of Crossfit Duluth tests Athletic Sound Tiles for noise reduction against 3/4 inch rubber stall mats. The weightlifting drop pad tests were conducting dropping barbells from overhead, shoulder height and waist height with weights of 95 pounds, 135 pounds and 225 pounds, respectively.

If you watch and listen closely, you can see and hear the difference and improvement it makes in reducing noise with the athletic sound tiles are used under dropped weights. Multiple CrossFit gyms have credited this flooring system for saving their businesses by eliminating noise complaints from neighboring businesses.

The thick rubber gym flooring system features a specially engineered support structure on the bottom of the tiles that works for both sound proofing and fatigue relief in gym settings.
black weightlifting drop pad
Dale Collison
CrossFit Duluth
Hermantown MN