Static Dissipative Mats
$10655 /Mat You Save 3%$17.76/sqftShop$21311 /Mat You Save 2%$17.76/sqftShop$26638 /Mat You Save 3%$17.76/sqftShop$1,04561 /Mat You Save 19%$6.97/sqftShips Out in 11-14 Working DaysShop$1,55541 /Mat You Save 19%$6.91/sqftShips Out in 11-14 Working DaysShop$2,33397 /Mat You Save 19%$7.78/sqftShips Out in 11-14 Working DaysShop$3,22455 /Mat You Save 16%$28.79/sqftShips Out in 1-3 Working DaysShop
Industrial anti-static mats, Static dissipative mats, Anti-fatigue mats
ESD Matting is divided into three classifications:
Electrically Conductive accepts static electricity the quickest and is rated 10^1 to 10^5 ohms.
Static Dissipative is rated 10^6 to 10^9 ohms and is in the middle range of ESD matting.
Anti-Static accepts static the slowest and is rated 10^10 to 10^12 ohms.