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Best Home Interlocking Puzzle BJJ Mats: Comparison & Thicknesses

By Greatmats Staff Created: March, 2019 - Modified: October, 2023

When it comes to training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu at home, you might not always have a space that is easily dedicated to a full-time training area. That’s where home BJJ training mats come into play.

Greatmats has the best selection of BJJ mats for home training available. The best BJJ mats for temporary home training spaces are puzzle mats. This style of home BJJ gym mats has simple DIY installation that is fast and easy. So is the removal and storage. For permanent training spaces, they can also be used as BJJ wall mats. Below will point out the best interlocking BJJ mats for home training and why.

1. Home MMA BJJ Mats 1.5 Inch

best bjj mats for home

At the top of the list are Greatmats Home MMA BJJ Mats. At 1.5 inches thick, these mats offer the best possible fall protection against throws and takedowns.
Made of the same material as its professional counterpart, these are designed to prevent serious injury from falls up to 4 feet. At the same time, they are firm enough to keep your feet, knees, and elbows from sinking so deeply into the mat that they become a hazard for quick movements and twisting.

Greatmats Home MMA BJJ mats also feature the popular tatami texture but are manufactured in a way that prevents the tatami from leaving floor burns while grappling.
These BJJ jigsaw mats are one of just a few available in 2x2 foot squares. At that size, they can easily be pulled up and stacked in a closet, on a workbench, or even just in a corner of a room without taking up significant space.

The BJJ mats are two-color and reversible and have four color options available.

2. Grappling MMA Mats 1.5 Inch

interlocking bjj mats for home
The larger professional version of the Home MMA BJJ Mat is also an excellent option for home training. One advantage of these 1x1 meter interlocking BJJ mats is the fact that they have fewer seams and extremely strict quality standards for thickness consistency and carry an ASTM Fall Height Rating of 4 feet. Another advantage is the addition of a fifth color option. These also have the option for ramped border strips.

The disadvantage comes in the storage department. While they are faster to install and remove, should you need to store them, they do take up more space.

3. Jiu Jitsu Mats Interlocking 1.25 Inch

diy bjj mats

If you want to go a little thinner, these 1.25-inch BJJ mats are also a great option. They are basically the same mats as the professional Grappling MMA mats - only a little thinner.

As the budget version of 1x1 meter puzzle BJJ training mats, you won’t get all of the bells and whistles of the 1.5-inch mat. Colors are limited to black and gray. Ramped border strips are not available. And they have not undergone ASTM testing for fall height protection.

4. Martial Arts Mat Premium 1 Inch

diy jiu jitsu mats
At 1 inch thick, this is really the thinnest option of puzzle mats recommended for BJJ. Another 1x1 meter interlocking martial arts mat, this BJJ mat is really designed best for martial arts that focus primarily on stand-up striking, so they are a bit firmer than the previously mentioned BJJ mats for home use.

The nice part about these mats, when compared to other striking arts mats for BJJ, is the fact that they have a smooth leather-like surface texture, rather than the heavily textured surface that is common for disciplines such as taekwondo.

These mats also have five color options, including a more natural-looking wood grain design.

5. Other Home BJJ Mat Options

best home bjj mats
If these don’t offer enough thickness for your taste, you may want to look into 2-inch thick folding gym mats. These serve as great multipurpose mats that can be easily transported virtually anywhere. They install very quickly and connect together with hook and loop connector strips.

The main advantage of folding BJJ mats is the highly durable vinyl cover. These will not be punctured nearly as easily by sharp or heavy objects. They also come in a variety of sizes, ranging from 4 to 6 feet wide and 6 to 12 feet long.

The disadvantage is that they will have much more noticeable seams and they are not as easily reconfigured into competition rings as the puzzle mats for BJJ.